The Society
About the Hegel Society of Great BritainThe HSGB was founded in 1979 & now has over 200 members.
Officers of the HSGB
Honorary President
Professor Robert B. Pippin
University of Chicago
Professor Stephen Houlgate
University of Warwick
Dr Sebastian Stein
University of Tübingen
Dr Joe Saunders
University of Durham
Membership Secretary
Professor Jan Derry
University College London
Bulletin Editor
Dr Christoph Schuringa
New College of the Humanities
Bulletin Book Reviews Editor
Dr Susanne Herrmann-Sinai
University of Oxford
Members of the Council
Professor Thom Brooks
Durham University
Professor Gary Browning
Oxford Brookes University
Professor Robert Stern
University of Sheffield
Nicholas Walker
Magdalene College, Cambridge
Professor Kenneth Westphal
Bogaziçi University
For minutes from the AGM, click here
Good Practice Policy
HSGB Constitution
1 The aim of the Hegel Society of Great Britain (henceforth HSGB) is the study of the philosophical ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and their historical sources and influence.
2 The HSGB pursues this aim by holding an Annual Conference in the United Kingdom, publishing a biennial Hegel Bulletin, publishing wherever possible the proceedings of its conferences, co-operating with other learned societies having similar aims, and engaging in other academic activities approved of by the HSGB’s annual meeting.
3 Full membership of the society is open to all those wishing to pursue the aims of the HSGB as authorised above in 1 and 2.
4 All paid-up members may attend the AGM, held normally in conjunction with the HSGB’s Annual Conference, and vote on all resolutions. They may submit items for the AGM agenda in writing to the HSGB’s Secretary not later than 28 days before the date of the AGM. Officers of the HSGB and members of its Council can propose and accept items for the agenda at any time.
5 The AGM of the HSGB approves the HSGB’s Constitution and all subsequent changes to it, elects the HSGB’s Officers and Council, determines the amount of the annual subscription, determines the date, place and subject of the next year’s Annual Conference and elects the President and the organiser(s) of the annual conference, approves proposals for publishing conference proceedings, accepts the Treasurer’s financial report and approves all expenditure proposals other than financing of the HSGB’s regular activities.
6 The HSGB may elect one or more Honorary Presidents who will retain the title for life.
7 The Officers of the HSGB consist of the President, the Secretary / Treasurer, the Bulletin Editor (the Chief Officers), and any of their deputies or assistants provided for in the Constitution or approved by the AGM.
8 The President holds office for three years and is eligible for re-election for another three-year period. If they are unable to attend the HSGB’s Annual Conference or temporarily perform their duties due to illness or absence from the country or any other grave reason, they may appoint a Vice President from the members of the Council who are not Officers of the HSGB. If the office of President becomes vacant through death, incapacity or resignation before its normal expiry, the members of the Council, on the initiative of the Secretary, will appoint an Acting President.
9 The SecretaryTreasurer and the Bulletin Editor both hold office for three years and are eligible for re-election for another three-year period. If either of them dies, becomes incapacitated or resigns office before its normal expiry, the President will appoint a members of the HSGB to perform the duties until the next AGM.
10 The Council of the HSGB consists of the Chief Officers of the HSGB, who are members ex officio, and other members elected by the AGM for a period of three years. They are eligible for re-election for a further three-year period. Ex officio members of the Council may be elected to the Council when they have ceased to be Officers of the HSGB. The maximum membership of the Council is nine. The positions should become vacant at the end of each year.
11 The HSGB may dissolve itself by a 3:2 vote of its members attending the AGM provided that a proposal to that effect has been put forward at the preceding AGM and all the paid-up members of the HSGB have been informed by the Secretary in writing at least 28 days before the date of the AGM at which the proposal is to be voted on.
12 In the case of dissolution, the AGM determines to what other institution, society or cause the net assets of the HSGB are to be transferred.
Constitution as approved by the September 1987 AGM of the Society.