The Hegel Bulletin
The Hegel Bulletin is the journal of the Hegel Society of Great Britain. It is a double blind peer-reviewed journal that accepts articles in English in the field of Hegel studies. The field is broadly construed to include: all aspects of Hegel’s relation to the history of philosophy; Hegelian contributions to all aspects of current philosophical enquiry in the European or Anglo-American traditions; Kant and post-Kantian thought; German Idealism; British Idealism; American Pragmatism; Marx and Marxism; Critical Theory.
The editor is Dr Christoph Schuringa
The reviews editor is Dr Susanne Herrmann-Sinai
The editorial assistant is Dr George Webster
Editorial Committee: Stephen Houlgate (Warwick University), Luca Illetterati (University of Padua), James Kreines (Claremont McKenna College), Karen Ng (Vanderbilt University), Sally Sedgwick (Boston University), Robert Stern (University of Sheffield), Alison Stone (Lancaster University)
Editorial Board: Frederick Beiser (Syracuse University), Karin de Boer (University of Leuven), Thom Brooks (University of Durham), Gary Browning (Oxford Brookes University), John Burbidge (Trent University), Andrew Chitty (University of Sussex), Ardis B. Collins (Loyola University), Alfredo Ferrarin (University of Pisa), Gordon Finlayson (University of Sussex), Rolf-Peter Horstmann (Humboldt University, Berlin), Kimberly Hutchings (Queen Mary University of London), Jean-François Kervégan (Paris I-Pantheon-Sorbonne), Chong-Fuk Lau (The Chinese University in Hong Kong), Allegra de Laurentiis (State University of New York, Stony Brook), Catherine Malabou (Paris X-Nanterre), David Merrill (Sarah Lawrence College), Frederick Neuhouser (Columbia University), Robert Pippin (University of Chicago), Z. A. Pelczynski (Pembroke College, Oxford), Raymond Plant (King’s College London), Paul Redding (University of Sydney), Constantine Sandis (University of Hertfordshire), Ludwig Siep (University of Munster), Allen Speight (Boston University), Jon Stewart (Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre at the University of Copenhagen), Italo Testa (University of Parma), Kenneth Westphal (Bogaziçi University), Richard Dien Winfield (University of Georgia)
The Bulletin was published by the HSGB itself until 2013, but is now being published by Cambridge University Press.
Please visit the CUP website for details regarding the journal, including submissions guidelines and access to content.
Receive the Bulletin
We encourage you to join the HSGB and receive the Bulletin. Institutional subscriptions are handled through CUP.
Contributing to the Bulletin
Information can be found on the CUP website above.
Books for review should be sent to our Reviews Editor:
Dr Susanne Herrmann-Sinai
Faculty of Philosophy,
Radcliffe Humanities,
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter,
Woodstock Road,
Oxford, OX2 6GG
Correspondence concerning reviews should be sent to:
Correspondence concerning individual membership of the HSGB should be sent by email to our membership officer Jan Derry.
All institutional subscriptions are handled by CUP.
All other correspondence concerning the Bulletin should be addressed to the Editor: