September 5, 2011 to September 6, 2011
At St Edmund Hall, Oxford

Conference Programme


Monday 5th September

1.00-1.30 Conference registration

1.30-3.00 Will Dudley (Williams College)
“Hegel’s Critical Naturalism”

3.30-5.00 Alexis Papazoglou (Cambridge)
“Hegel, the Space of Reasons and the Realm of Nature”

5.30-7.00 Paul Redding (Sydney)
“Hegel: Naturalist-leaning Forms of Idealism
and Idealist-leaning Forms of Naturalism”

Tuesday 6th September

9.30-11.00 Sebastian Roedl (Basel)
“The Self-Determining Concept”

11.30-1.00 Alison Stone (Lancaster)
“Hegel, Philosophy of Nature and Naturalism”

2.00-3.30 Kenneth Westphal (UEA)
“Aspects of Philosophical Naturalism
in Hegel’s 1807 Phenomenology of Spirit”