September 4, 2012 to September 5, 2012
At Magdalene College, Cambridge

Conference Programme

Tuesday 4th September

1.00-1.30 Conference registration

1.30-3.00 Robert Hanna (Colorado), “Kant, Hegel, and the Fate of Non-Conceptual Content”

3.30-5.00 Katerina Deligiorgi (Sussex), “Philosophical Retellings of the Fall: Kant, Hegel and the Good”

5.30-7.00 Allen Speight (Boston), “Artisans, Artists and Hegel’s History of the Philosophy of Art”

Wednesday 5th September

9.30-11.00 Paul Franks (Yale), “‘Immediately Before the Gates of Salvation’: Phrenology, the Jewish People, and Resistance to Sublation in Hegel’s Phenomenology”

11.30-1.00 Fred Rush (Notre Dame), “Hegel’s ‘Evil’”

2.00-3.30 Daniel Dahlstrom (Boston), “The Self Before Self-Consciousness”