September 4, 2014 to September 5, 2014
At Magdalene College, Cambridge
Conference Programme
Thursday 4th September
1.00-1.30 Conference registration
1.30-3.00 Dean Moyar (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore): “Law as the Public Conscience: A Hobbesian Theme in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right”
3.30-5.00 Jean-François Kervégan (Paris 1): “Hegel’s Political Epistemology”
5.30-7.00 Frank Ruda (Freie Universität, Berlin): “What Is to Be Done (with Hegel’s Monarch)?”
Friday 5th September
9.30-11.00 Rahel Jaeggi (Humboldt, Berlin): “Normativity and History”
11.30-1.00 Sebastian Stein (Heidelberg): “Untouchable Dogma or Historical Relativity? On the Revisability of the Philosophy of Right’s Institutions”
Susanne Hermann-Sinai (Leipzig / Oxford): “Does Hegel have a Notion of Practical Knowledge?”
2.00-3.30 Thom Brooks (Durham): “Justice for Stakeholders: Lessons from Hegel’s Philosophy of Right”