“Hegel and Freedom”
A Joint Conference of the Hegel Society of Great Britain and the Society for German Idealism and Romanticism
September 2 – 3, 2019 at St Edmund Hall, Oxford
Conference Programme
Monday, 2nd September
9.00 Conference registration
9.30-11.00: John McCumber (UCLA): “Freedom and the Logic of Identity in Hegel”
Coffee break
11.30-1.00: Eliza Starbuck Little (University of Chicago): “The Self-Exhibition of Freedom: Hegel’s Reinterpretation of Kantian Reflective Judgment”
1.00 Lunch
2.00-3.30: Alison Stone (Lancaster University): “Freedom and Nature in Hegel and Schelling”
Coffee break
4.00-5.30: Héctor Ferreiro (Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina): “Hegel’s Compatibilist Theory of Freedom”
5.45-7.15: Robert Stern (University of Sheffield): “‘This is the very essence of the Reformation: Man is in his very nature destined to be free’. Hegel, Luther and Freedom”
7.30 Dinner
8.45 AGM of HSGB
Tuesday, 3rd September
9.30-11.00: Angelica Nuzzo (Brooklyn College, CUNY): “Hegel on the Actuality of Freedom: Beyond Ideal Theory”
Coffee break
11.30-12.15: Simon Schüz (University of Tübingen): “Being Free as Setting Free: The Balancing of Realism and Anti-realism about Moral Norms in Hegel’s Critique of ‘Conscience’”
12.15-1.00:Ana-Silvia Munte (University of Tübingen): “Spirit’s Liberation from Nature — A Matter of the System”
1.00 Lunch
2.00-3.30: Thomas Khurana (University of Essex): “The Life of Freedom: Hegel’s Dialectical Naturalism”
3.30 Conference ends
To register for the conference:
(a) please complete the registration form that can be downloaded here: HSGB 2019 Registration and submit as instructed on the form.
(b) pay for registration either using PayPal below, or by sending in a cheque with the registration form
Please note that the number of en-suite rooms is very limited, so if you want one of those please check availability before registering, by contacting Sebastian Stein (sebastian.stein@oxon.org). The registration deadline is 8th August 2019.
Graduate bursaries are also available, with a deadline of 9th August 2019. Please download the application form here, and follow the instructions on the form: HSGB Graduate Bursary application 2019.
Registration via PayPal
After paying via Paypal, please send your completed registration form to Dr Sebastian Stein (details on form). Otherwise, we will not have a record of your registration.
Itemised Extras
Standard (Non-en-suite) single room Bed & Breakfast, Sun 1st Sept @ £43.00 | |
Standard (Non-en-suite) single room Bed & Breakfast, Mon 2nd Sept @ £43.00 | |
Single en-suite room Bed & Breakfast, Sun 1st Sept @ £55.00 | |
Single en-suite room Bed & Breakfast, Mon 2nd Sept @ £55.00 | |
Twin En-suite Bed & Breakfast, Sun 1st Sept @ £96.00 | |
Twin En-suite Bed & Breakfast, Mon 2nd Sept @ £96.00 | |
Dinner, Sun 1st Sept (w/o wine) @ £26.00 | |
Lunch, Mon 2nd Sept @ £16.00 | |
Dinner, Mon 2nd Sept (w/o wine) @ £26.00 | |
Lunch, Tues 3rd Sept @ £16.00 | |
Tea/coffee, Mon 2nd Sept @ £6.00 | |
Tea/coffee, Tues 3rd Sept @ £3.00 |