Hegel Links of InterestThe HSGB actively co-operates with other Hegel societies, particularly those in Germany and the USA. Here are some of their websites, and also some other useful links.
NB: The inclusion of the following links does not indicate endorsement by the Society of the content or views contained on the web pages connected by these links.
Hegel Societies
- Hegel-Vereinigung
- Hegel-Gesellschaft
- Hegel Society of America
- Swedish Hegel Society
- Hegel Society of Spain
- Society for German Idealism
Online Resources
- Entry on G W F Hegel in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Paul Redding
- Entry on Hegel’s Aesthetics in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Stephen Houlgate
- Hegel Texts Online
- A Chitty’s Bibliography on the Phenomenology of Spirit
- Resources for Studying Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
- Podcast on Hegel’s dialectic, by Robert Stern
- Robert Stern Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture on Hegel
- Stephen Houlgate on the Logic of Essence
- Katerina Deligiorgi on Hegel
- Hegel Kongress 2011
- Paul Redding on Hegel and Non-Contradiction
- Richard Winfield on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
- Richard Winfield on Social and Political Philosophy
- Richard Winfield on Philosophy of Nature
- Richard Winfield on Hegel’s Phenomenology
- Richard Winfield on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
- Richard Winfield on Hegel’s Science of Logic
- Richard Winfield on Ethical and Political Philosophy
- Extracts from the Encyclopaedia
- Hegel by Hypertext
- Resources on
- Hegel Discussion Group
- Brief Illustrated Hegel Biography
- Introduction to Hegel’s Philosophy
- Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature
- Interactive Study of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
Janko Stojanow, On the Absolute Rational Will (Sublation of Hegel’s Philosophy) - Alphabetic Listing of Books by or About Hegel
- Padua Hegel blog
- Hegelian News and Reviews
Hegel Resources in German
- Hegel-Archiv
- Meiner Publisher’s List of available volumes of the academic edition of Hegel’s works
- Logik und Metaphysik
- Dialektik-die Kunst der Gespraechsfuhrung und des Lebens
- Das Hegelhaus in Stuttgart
Hegel Journals
Also of interest
- The European Journal of Philosophy SPECIAL RATES FOR MEMBERS OF HSGB
- Kant-Studien
- Kant Yearbook
- International Yearbook of German Idealism
- British Idealism Studies
- Les Archives de Philosophie
- The Philosophy Research Base
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- British Society for the History of Philosophy
- Centre for the History of Philosophy
- North American Fichte Society
- UK Kant Society
- Kant on the Web
- Marx and Philosophy Society
- Marx and Philosophy Review of Books
- Resources on Nietzsche
- Late German Philosophy Project
- Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
- Conference on Hegel’s Logic
- Oxford reading group on Hegel
- UCL reading group on Hegel’s Science of Logic
- Idealism and pragmatism research network
- UK Schelling Research